Sunday 15 May 2016

Strange and Unusual

As we are out and about, either by vehicle or on foot, we see many things we've never seen in Canada. Here's a glimpse:

A goat tied around the waist of a boda driver. 

A man carrying five roosters boarding a boda. 

A sign at an intersection that reads, "Do not urinate here." 

Several cattle in the patch of green grass inside a busy roundabout. 

Us cautiously carrying home 10 loose eggs in a plastic bag. 

A street vendor walking along with a rack of about 100 bras.

A flat rat that didn't safely cross the street. 

A pig in a wheelbarrow. 

Our driver purchasing a foot file out the vehicle window from a street vendor while we were stuck in traffic. 

Again, we are reminded every day, we are not in Canada. 


  1. This particular glimpse was rather entertaining and little we know of how the other half lives. BLDC

  2. Praying for you both as you wind down your stay and get ready to head home. Sorry that I won't be able to be at the airport to welcome you home but will talk with about the reason. Isaiah 41:10 Donna M

  3. Loved this blog!! Giggled all the way through! Thanks for painting the picture! :) HG
