Monday 9 May 2016


Today, Emma, the hand wash specialist, and her installation technician came and installed five hand sanitizer dispensers throughout the home and office. We, along with Nurse Lydia worked with them regarding placement. The maintenance man, Robert, was taught how to fill them with the alcohol solution. 

On Friday, Harriet, another hand wash specialist from the company, will come to teach the staff about the product and it's use. YAHOO!

Also today, the tile guys came to get started on the walls of the potty room. They worked all morning preparing the walls and then started the tile work around noon. 

Once again, we say thank you to all the donors who made these projects possible. 


  1. Wonderful!

  2. So nice to see these projects for Sanyu taking shape. BLDC

  3. As for God, his way is perfect:
    The Lord’s word is flawless;
    he shields all who take refuge in him.
    It is God who arms me with strength
    and keeps my way secure. Psalm 18:30&32
    So grateful for the many ways in which God has used you in making good & practical uses (even rubber boots) of the resources provided. You are a blessing! Love & prayers, GGP

  4. Amen Greta! HG

  5. I wish I can go with you next time Cheryl. You're having all the fun there!��
