Friday 6 May 2016

Orphanage Shopping Kampala Style

A representative for a company that supplies hand sanitizer used at the hospitals made an unannounced visit to the home this morning. We had researched this company last weekend and discussed it with Barbara. We felt encouraged because the product is made here locally. 

Barbara came looking for us to see if we could help out financially. This afternoon 20 litres of the product was delivered by boda boda. Next week the dispensers will be installed and an infection-control specialist will come and teach a hand-hygiene session. 

Today was also the day we had previously arranged with Barbara to have her accompany us on a shopping expedition to make purchases of some needs at the home with donation money. 

We had no idea what an experience we were in for at the Kampala Market. We felt like we were in a movie.  We were the only mzungus amongst thousands of people, bodas, matatus, delivery trucks and cars as we were led on foot on the rough, dirt streets by Barbara and our driver Ronald. 

Many people were carrying heavy loads on their heads - huge bags of flour, suitcases stacked 5 deep, multiple bundles and boxes of various products, mattresses piled 5 high...

The scene is really impossible to describe but it was more people than we have ever seen in one place at one time - and each one going somewhere and carrying something. 

After more than four hours of walking from shop to shop we came home with two garbage cans, four large laundry bins, 75 large bath towels (that will become 150), 168 face cloths, 35 packages of Milton Sterilizing Tablets (enough to sterilize bottles and nipples for 2-1/2 months), 36 packages of baby wipes, five bottles of liquid oral antibiotic, five tubes of antibiotic cream, 33 tubes of anti-fungal ointment, one pair of rubber boots (for one of the mamas who doubles as a gardener) and six cases of bleach that was later delivered by boda boda. 

Barbara is a great negotiator and can always get the most out of every shilling. 

The Sanyu truck is in the garage so our purchases were stuffed into the trunk and back seat of a car the size of a Toyota Corolla. And then the two of us stuffed ourselves into one side of the back seat with one of us sitting side saddle on the edge of the seat. 

We were all excited (including the staff on our return) about all that we were able to supply using the money given by so many donors. 

It is an incredible privilege to represent you here. Thanks for being part of this amazing journey. 


  1. Once again you have filled us with an overwhelming feeling of joy at knowing our small donations are making so much difference there! I can only imagine what it was like for you two just seeing the response from the grateful staff. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!! HG

  2. This just brings tears to my eyes. We give little bits as we can and look what God has done! You two great stewards of that money have been able to deliver much needed supplies. What joy you must be feeling. BLDC

  3. Awesome, God is so good and is using you both in so many, many ways! LMR

  4. It is exciting to see how God takes a little and multiplies it over and over. Reading your blog each morning blesses my heart. Jer. 29:11
    Love, DM
