Saturday 7 May 2016

"Our" Girls

We have enjoyed spending tidbits of time with the babies we became attached to when we were here last year. As strange as it may seem, they appear to gravitate toward us as well, when given the opportunity, even when there are others free to give them attention. 

Florence (written by Muriel):
It is a delight to see what a happy little girl Florence is, and to have her run toward me when she sees me. She loves to be held and cuddled but is also content to go for walks on the Sanyu property. 

She has a sweet personality with a bit of mischief and always appears to be thinking as she often has her tongue out, licking her bottom lip. 

Several nights I've settled her in her crib for the night. Before I do I carry her to the doorway where we look over the city. The first night I did this I waved and said "Goodnight Kampala". Florence waved as well. Now, when I walk to the doorway with her in my arms she automatically begins waving. 

Once I take her to her bed she is happy to nestle in. After a little game of peek-a-boo and a kiss goodnight, she begins rocking herself to sleep as I lower her mosquito net. Night, night. Pleasant dreams, sweet girl. 

Joselyn (written by Cheryl):
My beautiful girl is now 15 months old. 
When we first got here Joselyn was only crawling. She did stand on her feet for me one day while supporting herself with a railing. This past week I watched her stand and move along while holding onto a railing by herself. Yay Joselyn! She is getting the hang of it and now also stands up in her crib. She likes to swing in the baby swing and smiles when the swing is pushed.

The other day Mama Maureen(Muriel) was holding Joselyn and when she saw me she held out her arms and wanted to come to me. She snuggled in for some nice hugs.

Joselyn has a beautiful smile that she readily gives when approached. She has a gentle way about her. I have heard her say "allo" when someone says "allo" around her.

It is nice to hold her again, to tickle her and see her smile and laugh and shower her with hugs and kisses on her forehead. 


  1. What great mamas you are. So nice to learn that they are growing and healthy. Must bring much joy to your hearts. God bless them both....and you two as well. BLDC

  2. So special!
