Sunday 8 May 2016

Not Our Problem

Some of the needs and practises at the babies home continue to trouble us. Though they are difficult to overlook, we are slowly learning that the battle is not our's but God's. He sees the needs and practises in far more detail than we do. 

He also sees how hard the staff works. We are amazed by their energy and patience in spite of their fatigue. Their labour of love was especially clear today as there were no other volunteers for much of the day and there are fewer staff on weekends. Also, the teachers are off on weekends so there is no class time to occupy the children. 

This past week God pointed out these words to us from 2 Chronicles 29:15, "Do  not be afraid or discouraged...For the battle is not yours, but God's." The same message was delivered in other unique and amusing ways. 

So, we continue to do what is placed before us to help meet needs we are aware of each day, but are realizing it is not our job to fix all the problems. 


  1. Thanks for introducing us to Florence and Joselyn and mothering all the little ones at Sanyo. You are both, with God's help, making inroads there in many ways. You are doing God's work there and as Chronicles reminds us the battle we fight is God's. LMR

  2. Glad you are both there to help with the load. Your encouragement will probably make the most difference. God knows the needs and will supply in His time. Blessings be upon you both as well as the staff this day! HG

    1. Yes, that is good advice HG not only for the job at hand at Sanyu but also wherever God places us each and every day.

  3. God bless you and Cheryl! I know you are making a difference with what you are able to do each day be it big or small. HBM
