Wednesday 18 April 2018


Today I'll share about the smallest child here at Sanyu. His name is Waswa Blessing. He is 3 months old and weighs just a bit over 6 lbs. He is a twin. He and his brother were admitted to the government hospital along with their mother. A caregiver has to stay with whoever is admitted.  There was no care giver for the babies and they became malnourished. Sadly Blessing's twin did not survive. In the midst of all her troubles the mother abandoned Blessing.

He stayed in the hospital until he was brought to Sanyu 2 weeks ago. He is so tiny and thin you can count his ribs. He has very long fingers and they say he will be a tall man. His legs are about the circumference of my thumb. Blessing is very bright and alert. He looks around when he hears noises and will look you in the eye and sometimes give you a nice smile.

It took me a few feedings to figure out what he likes. The formula must be warm at all times or he won't drink it. We have to keep
warming it up. He likes to be cuddled close. That's not a problem!!! He is so curious that if anyone other than the person who is feeding him talks to him he stops sucking.  Currently he is fed every 2 hrs around the clock and it sometimes takes 30 mins. The Mama's appreciate our help because that frees them up to do other things.

Blessing is gaining weight. Yesterday he had his first haircut. His hair was pretty long and wild in the back.  Now it will grow in better.

I took a picture of him today and then I showed it to him.  He actually looked it all over with great interest.

Here is my new buddy, sucking his finger and holding onto his blankie! Isn't he handsome!


  1. Well, Cheryl, of course you knew there would be many blessings from your time at Sanyu but how special that one of those is named "Blessing". Cuddle him and receive a blessing each time!
    He is precious.

  2. This brought tears to my eyes! What a dear little boy and blessing the work you are doing in such a special way. BLDC

  3. He will thrive from all the love you are giving him - what a precious little "blessing".
    Great to read the messages from all of you and to hear about the farm work.
    Praying for each of you and all those there.
    Love, Donna

  4. ah maybe we should adopt great to hear nice pictures DEB

  5. Heather Goodwin18 April 2018 at 22:48

    Oh my heart! What a sweet little BLESSING! I believe God has great things in store for that little boy. So glad he is at that home to receive all the love of those dear Mamas! And you get to be a part of his new beginnings. Give him lots of hugs and kisses just from me. <3
