Wednesday 11 April 2018

We arrived at Sanyus Baby Home at midnight last night.  The drive from Entebbe to Kampala was quite an eye opener. Many times during the drive to Kampala I just had to close my eyes and pray for calm and that we would get there in one piece.

We were busy on our first day here. We unpacked and went shopping for groceries. Muriel and Cheryl warned us about walking and crossing the street.  Andrew and I didn't think much of it until we had to actually do it.  There are very little traffic rules here, no traffic lights and no road signs.  Combine that with a million bodabodas that drive on sidewalks and in ditches and you half a typical Kamala roadway.....chaos.

Andrew and I had a chance to get acquainted with the children and the massive amount of care and work that is needed each day. The children and staff are so welcoming and they all want to great you and know your name.

It is off to the farm with an early start at 6am.



  1. Great to read your blog today. Made me laugh about the roads and brought back Nairobi memories!!! Praying for each of you. Love,Donna Jer. 29:11-13

  2. I can't imagine the culture shock! With God's help you are all making a difference in the lives of those precious children & their caregivers. Praying for each of you. BLDC

  3. Heather Goodwin11 April 2018 at 21:33

    So glad you have Muriel and Cheryl to help with the many challenges due to culture shock. Will be praying as you adjust. Hope you have a smooth trip to the farm and not a lot of set backs in terms of what you have in mind to make it more self-sustaining. Say hi to M & C and let them know we are thinking of them. Heather
