Friday 6 April 2018

Plans, Partners and Projects

We're now in the midst of finalizing last minute details as we prepare to embark on our fourth trip to Sanyu Babies' Home...well, at least it will be the fourth trip for two of us.  Cheryl and I, once again, look forward to renewing friendships with staff, seeing if we can recognize those children who are almost a year older since we last saw them, and meeting the new people (children and staff) God puts in our path.

Speaking of new people, we are very excited to be able to introduce you blog-followers to two new members of our team (I guess you can call us a team since there are now four of us:).  Andrew and Jodi Giberson live in Kingston where they raise their three girls.  We have been blessed to have their interest and support since we first began this crazy journey.  We're so grateful for the commitment of this family and excited to see what plans God has to use and bless them.  We also look forward to having Andrew and Jodi post here in the days to come to share some of their thoughts and experiences.

There are other new and exciting changes that have transpired since our last trip.  With the help of many friends and supporters, after much prayer, discussion and collecting of information we are now able to offer tax receipts to anyone who wants to donate to the work as we partner with Sanyu in helping to meet the needs and improve the circumstances of the children in their care.  We are very grateful to the congregation of Bloomfield Baptist Church for their willingness to officially make this part of their ministry.  If you would like more information about making a donation please contact one of us directly or leave a comment here and we'll connect to provide you with details.

We have several projects in mind to consider as we meet with Sanyu's director to determine priorities and feasibility once we arrive.  One project that we have already discussed and plan to proceed with is providing new playground equipment. What they have/had has been well used and much of it in various states of disrepair.  Compounding that, it became further damaged during construction of a new security perimeter wall over the past year which also required removal of some large trees. We look forward to keeping you posted on the progress of this exciting project.

Thanks for following us once again here on the blog and for being part of the journey through your interest and prayers.


  1. Exciting days ahead - looking forward to reading about all your adventures. BLDC

  2. Wishing you all the best on your trip, you will be in my thoughts and prayers during your journey. Anxious to read blog! Take care deb

  3. Excited to follow your journey once again

  4. Heather Goodwin10 April 2018 at 14:31

    So excited at the amazing things God is preparing for you and the staff to accomplish there with the guidance of His Holy Spirit in the days ahead. Will be awaiting with anticipation each update. Enjoy those sweet little ones and give hugs to them and the staff on our behalf. We love you all!

  5. Praying for you guys! Want to come God directs
