Thursday 19 April 2018

Prayer Request.

This blog is a prayer request for little Edwin.  He is only three months old. He was taken to the hospital this morning.  He has been diagnosed with bronchitis and he will have to stay at the hospital for at least five days. For those five days he will be on oxygen.  There will be a Mama from Sanyu staying with him during his stay. 

This is a picture of Edwin being snuggled yesterday.


  1. Praying that this dear little boy will get the care he needs and be returned to health quickly. Also praying for the Mama with him as well as her family. A difficult time for so many. I expect Mama will stay with him full time while he is there and be unable to spend time at home with her own family. God is in control and He hears our prayers. BLDC

  2. Praying for this precious little one and for all those caring for him.
    Love, Donna

  3. Heather Goodwin19 April 2018 at 18:22

    Will continue to pray for this little one. My prayer: "Dear gracious Heavenly Father, bring quick healing to little Edwin. Give wisdom to the doctors. Be with the Mama so she will be comfortable during her long days of waiting and helping. Thank you in the name of Jesus, your precious Son. Amen"

  4. Bless this little man. God please accept our request for quick healing and extra strength for Mamma as she stays with him. God Bless. Glen

  5. Will pray for little Edwin & his "mama" that God will hold them close, surrounding them with his loving arms as he restores this beautiful little baby to good health.

  6. Praying for sweet little Edwin.
