Thursday 12 April 2018

Farmer's Day Out

Today Andrew and Jodi traveled with Barbara and some Sanyu staff to work at the farm. They left at the crack of dawn and returned late afternoon. They will have lots of stories to tell in the near future... stay tuned for their blogpost about the trip. They're too tired to share it here tonight.

Muriel and I have been busy reconnecting with the staff and children.  Some of the older children actually remember us from last year. When we asked Sam what our names are he looked at me and said "Allo bubbles!" That is what he associates us with. Allan, who is the presently the oldest child remembered that Muriel's name is Mama Maureen

We have some truly sad news about a Sanyu security guard named Bosco.  In 2016 he and his wife lost a baby. They were currently expecting another baby soon but last week Bosco lost his wife and their unborn baby due to complications from maternal hypertension. The Dr's tried to save the baby but it had died in utero. Bosco and his wife had 3 other children, 2 school aged girls and a boy in nursery school  The funeral for both mother and baby was last Friday.

Please keep Bosco, his children and their extended families in your prayers, that the God of all comfort would be their peace and provider and sustainer.

Thank you for praying for the team too.


  1. So sorry to learn of the great loss in Bosco's family. Praying for him and his young children as they mourn and adjust to this great change in their lives. BLDC

  2. Heather Goodwin12 April 2018 at 19:41

    How heartbreaking to hear of Bosco's wife and new baby. May God grant him and his family comfort during this sad time. Am praying that the love and prayers of those who care, along with the support of the staff at the Home, will be a source of strength for Him.

    Looking forward to hearing more about the trip to the farm and other new developments as time goes on.

    Blessings, Heather

  3. So sad to hear about Bosco's wife and baby. Praying for him and his children and praying that many will surround them with love and compassion and that they will feel God's loving arms around them.
    Love reading your blog and looking forward to farm stories.
    Praying for all of you
    Love, Donna

  4. Deborah MacDonald18 April 2018 at 13:12

    So sad

  5. Deborah MacDonald18 April 2018 at 13:12

    So sad
