Saturday 21 April 2018

Playground Update

Many of you have probably been wondering how the playground equipment project is going. Well, it turns out it’s a bit more of a project than we expected and it is progressing well. We’ve been to the “store” that sells the equipment and decided on some pieces. However, due to issues with tree roots, water drainage and soil erosion there is much more preparation work involved than we realized. Andrew has been working long, dirty days with Michael and Sebastian this week digging trenches, mixing and pouring cement and laying bricks. The children are enjoying watching as the work progresses. But what we really look forward to is seeing their reaction and watching them have all kinds of fun when they get to enjoy the final result.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see the project updates. Great that Andrew has help with this and that the issues which have arisen can be dealt with properly as the groundwork is laid. So much better to have a good foundation to whatever is going in there and have it last a long time. God bless you all as this continues to unfold and as you help look after those dear little ones. BLDC
