Monday 23 April 2018


No pictures with this post. You’ll have to use your imagination...just like Elizabeth.
Elizabeth is not quite 3 years old. Today as I was sorting clothes she and 2-year-old Ethan joined me. Elizabeth had a piece of paper approximately 1”x0.5”. She had Ethan stand in a specific location then held the piece of paper in front of her face and said, “Ethan. Say cheese.”  She repeated this several times.
Not long after, she held the same piece of paper to her ear and said, “Allo” and told the person on the other end of the line quite a story...but I couldn’t decipher any of the words.
Later in the day she had Solomon sitting in one of the seats in the dining room, pretending to feed him lunch using a small straw she had found.
Toys may be limited and luxuries non-existent but with a good imagination you can have all kinds of fun.


  1. Heather Goodwin23 April 2018 at 19:38

    She is veryyyy imaginative! How sweet! lol

  2. Seems Elizabeth is very good at entertaining herself and others! Fun to watch too eh! BLDC
