Tuesday 17 April 2018

Vroom. Vroom.

Motorized vehicles are fascinating to children around the globe. Today the children of Sanyu were a captive audience as several of the guys, including Andrew, did some repair/maintenance work on the driveway in front of the guesthouse using the truck that belongs to the home. Then, as a bonus, a boda arrived to add to the entertainment. Vroom. Vroom.


  1. Heather Goodwin17 April 2018 at 19:54

    What fun! Bet the kids are having the time of their lives with all the activity around there with you guys. So glad we get to be a part of God's little blessings through your willingness to go!

  2. Sure looks like the workers had a captive audience! Young & not so young the world over seem to be taken with construction & machinery. Thanks for sharing what God is doing in that corner of the world. BLDC

  3. Deborah MacDonald18 April 2018 at 13:10

    So sweet!
