Friday 13 April 2018

Our Day

This is a synopsis of our day. We didn’t all do all of these things but it gives you a general idea of what a day here is like. 
  • Early morning meeting with the director to share developments on both sides of the world and discuss plans for the days ahead. 
  • Meet with a local engineer about some structural issues.
  • Have some one-on-one snuggle time with the smallest babies. 
  • Hang some laundry on the clothes lines. 
  • Do personal laundry. 
  • Rescue personal laundry just before a downpour. 
  • Help feed the children lunch. 
  • Help clean the dining room after lunch. 
  • Hold infants while they are given immunizations...some received 3-4 injections. 
  • Spend the afternoon entertaining the children in the sandbox and the rest of the play area. 
  • Wipe as much sand as possible from clothes, skin and hair. 
  • Help feed the children supper. 
  • Help with showering the children. 
  • Sweep the dining room floor with a 2-foot African broom. 
  • Wash dishes. 
  • Eat a delicious meal prepared by Joel. 
  • Communicate with folks at home. 
  • Shower. 
  • Drop into bed. 


    1. Phew...after a busy day, dropping into bed was most welcome I expect! Sleep tight & God bless Sista! BLDC

    2. Heather Goodwin14 April 2018 at 20:24

      My sentiments exactly Barb. They must be exhausted after all that. Have a productive and wonderful day again tomorrow everyone! So great hearing of all you are doing there. You're in our prayers here back home.

    3. HI team great to read the blog I got your e mail Muriel thanks told Carol today at church we had special speaker today Andrew Conrad preached .Keep up the good work . Deb

    4. Deborah MacDonald18 April 2018 at 13:06

      Make a list and do it, lol
