Wednesday 25 April 2018

Visiting Nurses

This afternoon we walked to the local hospital to visit Baby Edwin and Mama Jesca. We were happy to see how well Edwin looked.

 He was taken off oxygen this morning and if all goes well tonight he will likely be discharged tomorrow afternoon as soon as the medical bills are paid by Sanyu. Once he returns to the home Mama Jesca will have some days off to rest.

Mama Jesca has had her prayers for Edwin answered. When he was at his worst on Sat night she opened her bible to Mark 10:13 and laid it by his head. The verse says "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." She prayed and prayed that God would not take his life and told God he would be well cared for at Sanyu.

 After we fed and bathed Edwin Mama Jesca went for a break. Edwin 'talked' to is for 30mins non stop, cooing, gooing and smiling.

We prayed for Baby Edwin, Jesca and the other children in the room before we left.

On the way out the door we noticed the verse from Mark 10 was painted on a wall in the Pediatric Ward. Interestingly enough, the Holy Spirit led me to use that verse while sharing devotions with the staff today.

Thank you for your prayers for Edwin and Mama Jesca.


  1. Praise God for answered prayers. BLDC


  2. Dear little guy. Thanking God that he is doing good. Love the picture of him holding his blanket close. Praying that Jesca will get some much needed rest this week. Wonderful how God has placed the Mamas to be at Sanyu ti shower so much love on these precious little ones. Praying for all of you
    Love, Donna

  3. Heather Goodwin26 April 2018 at 12:27

    Praise to our gracious Heavenly Father! What a precious little man! May he have a long and fruitful life! Will continue to pray.
