Tuesday 17 April 2018

Our trip to the Farm.

The internet has been unreliable so we haven't been able to make many blog posts.

We were up for 6am. It was raining when we left but it cleared off and became a very hot and sunny day. It was in the high 20's by the afternoon. The day was spent getting acquainted with the farm and doing some of the weekly tasks.

-looking after pigs
-water collection from a swamp 2km away   from the farm
-spraying fertilizer and insecticides
-trellising passion fruit vines
-thinning fields of corn

The farm is nothing like a farm we would have at home. Everything is so lush and green. The land seems to be very fertile and the crops seem to be doing well.  The farm is larger than we thought it would be. They have fields of sweet potato, maize, beans, irish potatoes.  Everything on the farm is done manually.

Andrew and I will do another post on the farm and our travels to and from the farm.

Kampala at 6am.

Passion Fruit Flower


Inside the jackfruit eaten on a banana leaf.  We all had some of this delicious fruit for our lunch.


  1. Interesting to learn about the farm. I had no idea that they produced so much or that the work there was so intense. Praying that some of Andrew's expertise will be of some benefit. Great pics. BLDC

  2. Heather Goodwin17 April 2018 at 20:00

    I agree with Barb. Crazy how we envision something and it turns out completely different than expected. From the comment about getting water 2 km away I think Andrews thoughts about a well certainly seem a worthwhile project. Trust God will grant wisdom on what would work best there. Blessings!

  3. Deborah MacDonald18 April 2018 at 13:09

    Remind Cheryl of the book PIG IN A TAXI..from Deb
