Sunday 22 April 2018

Day out with the children!

Today we ventured out with 17 of the children for a day of fun.  The children were invited to go to a sponsored day of children's activities.  Fun was had by all.  The children were falling asleep on the bus coming back to Sanyu.  There were a lot of firsts for some of the children that we would take for granted in Canada.  Bouncy castles, swimming in a pool and even a ride in a bus.

Some of the Mamas even got into the bouncy castle action.

Picnic lunch

The children didn't know what to think of the bouncy castles. They soon caught on! Lots of squeals and giggles.

The children loved spending time in the pool. There were a few that refused to go in.


  1. Looks like everyone had a great fun day. Those are important for the kids and the Mamas.
    Glad that Blessing is doing good but praying for Edwin - the flu cn be hard on a little body.
    Praying for all of you and sending hugs.
    Love, Donna

  2. So nice to take part in such a fun time with the children. Looks like fun was had by everyone slept well after that! BLDC

  3. Hi Cheryl,
    Those pictures are lovely and I'm happy you're all having fun. May God be with you all.
